Friday, February 22, 2008


I'm looking for musicians, poets, painters, graphic design artists...anyone who loves or works with art!

I am trying to gather as much artistic talent, for I am truly motivated to get a project if you, or know someone, that's interested in this, contact me ASAP!

Contact me via comments on here, email...any way possible!

Thanks, and help spread the word about this!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A short rant

Just wanted to let the world know that if you ever have any projects, or are looking for someone to make your ideas a reality...PLEASE CONTACT ME!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I feel that the last three months have been nothing but productive. I choose 'productive' for I know that if I say 'busy', it just doesn't seem as meaningful... and that's one thing that my life isn't. As I have mentioned before, I have been on a serious and thorough job search for work that i could do from home, and on the internet. While I have found numerous scams and jobs that pay in pennies, I have indeed found real, legit, interesting work.

Through my journey, I have learned that you have to think unconventionally in order to create opportunities. Even more, you actually have to put effort into creating those opportunities!'s amazing that when I have talked to those searching for work how they truly "think inside the box". My advice to my lovely readers who are looking for work at home opportunities is this... work isn't all '9 to 5' jobs! In fact, I rarely know anyone that has a college degree and works this style anymore! With exception to teachers, we are living in a world where the possibilities are truly endless, and potential is infinitely possible, even despite a down economy.

But I digress.

I could spend hours, heck even days or weeks talking about jobs, and be that successful 'go to' person that we all make out as a hero...but really we are all possible of this. I think it's all just a matter of will and understanding (for those who seem a little lost, my's just the philosopher in me ranting) in order to best achieve whatever it is you want.

So all in all, I'll make it short by saying that I have some dreams, goals, and ideas that I finally have planned, and I know are successful possibilities that will soon be successful REALITIES.

It's simply mind over a way. It's more like effort to want a better life over the easy way out. Ya, that's much better.

Monday, February 18, 2008



The blog...where do I begin? I guess for starters, I'll say that this has been WAY LONG OVERDUE! I've been meaning to start a blog for a while now, but for some reason something always caused me to not create one. Well. here's a little takes a while, but it's truly needed.

It's June, 2007...I've tried to find online work after my sophomore year of college ended, and on a rather bad note. The only good thing that came out was my love, which is actually the best thing in my life...but besides that, I had no job or no money, and I loved between my older bro's place and my love's place. That was the summer I know will be with me in my mind forever...for it defined who I am. I'll give me life story for another blog, but all that's important for now is that I was broke and my search of two months for work via home/internet was a big failure, but the best part was that I came out of this situation a little smarter, a little more desired.

It's August, 2007. I'm in the fall semester of my junior year in good ol' Slippery Rock University. Everything is going rather well, have the love of my life, finally figured out what I'm doing with my life (thats Psychology and Philosophy major), actually not broke, and just it's all good. I had struck gold with a job online promoting a website, ... check it out :)
Anyways, I had it for about a month, but they couldn't keep me on the team for long, so I was back to square one. So, with my Job search, Part 2, I was going in knowing the scams, and where to look....kind of. It was more like I knew where NOT to look. So, the real quest was what sites would give me my opportunity?

January, 2008. A little fatter from xmas break, a little closer to being broke. Over break I found some great sites, and was so close to getting a job, but for some reason, I just never took the next step. I just let them slide on by, but once I finally got back to school for the spring semester, I finally found my first work. It was a project from (again, I'll save this for another time, another blog). It was worth $10.00. Yes, I know... but you have to start somewhere right? A snowball has to roll somewhere.

Today, I now have several projects...none of them being blog related, just yet. And this is where my next point leads...

I wanted to start this blog for a long time, for I am a college student, and I am always looking for opportunities, both for work and just general experiences in life. As I searched the seven seas of the internet looking for anything legit and reasonable...I felt like I hit the jackpot, BLOG for money!

...too good to be true? Yes...and no. I say yes, for the blogging job is tough for starters, and it takes patience, dedication, time... all that fun stuff that seems to be hard to find anymore. While I know that's not completely true, I just know from around the blog world that most people make pennies at how's a penny motivating? (sounds like a future blog topic to me!)

Now on a more optimistic note, I understand the power of ads, but an even more arising opportunity for bloggers now is to blog for big blog sites, companies, and even for universities! While my search for work opportunities, I found several people/companies asking (sometimes even begging) for bloggers... so I figure I'd take a chance. I contacted the people, and everything seems good...then BAM!...I'm stopped. Where, you may be asking?

They asked for samples of past blogs. I didn't have any, so I had to pass. I know there were several opportunities that I missed out on, and trust me, I'm still frustrated today about it...but hey, no woman, no cry.

So, it took about three months till I realized that I needed to do something, for by now I could have been settled with a great that's where we are today.

A new day, a new beginning.

Hopefully, opportunities will come around, and this blog will be the reason!

I also hope to maybe figure out where to go from here...I have many ideas, so I hope you keep checking here, and checking often.

Until then, much love.